Rekindling Relationship Magic

In today's fast-paced world, it can be challenging to work up a sexual appetite and excitement with your long-time partner or spouse. Work, bills, and other “adult” obligations often get in the way, leaving us feeling disconnected and isolated from the person closest to us. The passion that was once present fades leaving you feeling more disconnected than ever. But you know what else “adults” can do?

Make the decisions and take the actions that nurture intimacy and encourage sexual stimulation to grow.

Making decisions and taking action … that’s right. If your relationship is in a slump, nothing is going to change unless you change something. They say love is a verb — not a noun. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the reasons relationships go stale and some of the actions you can take to reignite that flame.

What kills the spark?

  • Routine & monotonous

You’ve been looking at the same person for a number of years. You’ve had sex hundreds of times with the same body, and things are starting to feel routine. Something along the lines of foreplay, neck sucking, nipple play, missionary, and finish with doggy. Sound familiar? It’s easy to become bored with our sexual routines. Doing the same things day in and day out with no kink or spice can be monotonous. It can be so challenging to find the time and energy to integrate new and exciting things.

  • Communication & intimacy breakdown

Intimacy is the jewel of any relationship. When intimacy breaks down, it can feel like your lover is more of a business partner or platonic friend than anything. When we stop communicating, we stop understanding each other's needs and desires (in the bedroom and otherwise), and it becomes challenging to keep the spark alive.

  • Stress!

Nothing like a stressful time to kill the sexual charge in your relationship . The funny thing is, sex is actually a stress reliever. That said, normal stressors occur in life such as significant life changes, having children, moving to a new place, or changing jobs. When we're stressed, we tend to go internal, focus on ourselves, and let our pleasure and intimacy fall by the wayside. Suddenly, you realize you haven’t had sex in over a month, and you don’t know why! Stress is often the culprit.

here’s some advice

Okay, okay, okay… enough old ball-and-chain B.S! Time to get to the juicy stuff. How do you reignite the spark? Remember, it’s all about actions and decisions!

  • Keep things interesting

Try new things together. Take a sexy kink class or go to a sultry show. Schedule a weekend trip solely dedicated to making love in a kinky AirBNB location that includes a Sex Room and toys! Doing something new and exciting together invigorates your sense of adventure and gets the dopamine rushing!

  • Communicate openly

Talk to your partner about your needs, desires, and concerns. What makes you nervous? What kinks do you want to try? What kinks are you afraid to try? Be honest and open, and listen to what your partner has to say. If you have trouble communicating verbally, think of some writing prompts and share your answers with each other. Consider eliminating distractions and stressors by sexing up your bedroom into an adult pleasure room.

  • Show affection

Small gestures of affection like holding hands, hugging, and kissing can go a long way in keeping the spark alive in your relationship. Moreover, some people love grand gestures while others love acts of service. Love languages anyone? There’s nothing that screams “I love you and I want to reconnect” like installing an adult playroom in the comfort of your own home where you and your partner can explore each other’s bodies like it’s the very first time.

  • Make time and space for each other

In our busy lives, it's easy to let our relationships take a back seat to our other obligations. Make time and space for each other, whether it's a date night or a weekend away. Scheduling doesn’t always feel sexy, and neither does a messy bedroom. Give your bedroom a sexy makeover or create a dedicated Red Room in your house that is away from household responsibilities, children, or prying eyes – a Fantasy Suite that is all your own, where your wildest desires can come unleashed. When stress is high, having a designated pleasure room and dedicated time that feels like a luxurious getaway can help melt away all of your worries and bring you back into the sexual, juicy moment.

Invest in you

A Fantasy Suite is a space specifically designed for your unique pleasures. Kinks, comforts, and hidden desires are all integrated into a bespoke design and brought to life with the highest quality standard of building in mind. Fantasy Suites are tailored to the essence of your sensuality, include the toys you’ve only ever dreamed of trying, and come with all the bells and whistles that keep your space clean and comfortable. Many people choose to add features to their sex room such as ambient lighting, soundproofing, and other delicious amenities to create a fully immersive experience.

A personal, at-home adult playroom provides a fun and engaging way to keep the spark alive within marriages without feeling like scheduled sex and trying too hard. It’s difficult to avoid routines and fading intimacy but trying new things, communicating, and creating time and space for sensuality can keep the spark alive. Your marriage or long-term relationship is not over. It just needs a pick-me-up.

If you’re looking for a way to reignite the spark within your marriage and bring your loved ones closer, consider adding a Fantasy Suite to your home today.

Henley Worthen

Henley Worthen has over six years of experience writing professionally and has led writing and empowerment workshops around the world. In 2021, she published her debut novel, Loose Girls. She currently lives her best life in Tulum, Mexico.

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