Welcome To Our Blog!

Welcome to our blog….but first a little background.  I am a middle-aged, married man with a couple of teenage kids spinning around on this rock through space with all of you as my rock-mates.  Like you, I am uncertain why.  I mean really what is the point?  Yes, I want to help my children grow into quality adults.  Yes, I want to leave this rock better than when I found it. And yes, I want to share my experiences with my chosen partner.  Maybe it is this last enlightenment that motivated me to launch Fantasy Suites.  

I assume my spousal relationship is like many others: it ebbs and flows.  We have many great times and then some no-so-great times – from an intimate perspective – even though we both know that the more physical we are with each other, the better the rest of our lives are together. With this in mind, I set out to learn more about how to maximize the highs and minimize (or even eliminate) the lows. After all, the reward for both of us is absolutely motivational.  

I read a lot about this topic online, I spoke with friends, and yes, discussed things with my spouse. Not surprisingly, enjoying a quality sex life is like most things in life – you need to educate yourselves, give it due attention and priority, and then make time for it.  Another thing that we learned was that we needed a special place — a special intimacy space that we could “escape” to. 

Investing in a personal intimacy space – which we’ve dubbed a Fantasy Suite – is just one of many ways to improve your relationship. So we are making a commitment within this blog to provide educational, stimulating and aspirational content from professional sex therapists and coaches to regular people, our  fellow rock-mates, that are crushing this subject. 

Our goal is to help people improve their romantic relationships as we all travel around the sun. If you have an experience or a philosophy that helps stimulate your relationship(s) please share them in the Comments below, or drop us an email at hello@fantasysuites.com

Happy Humping!
Robert @ Fantasy Suites 

Robert Krieger

Robert has more than 20 years of experience in the construction and realty industries. He is the founder of WoodHouse Construction and Co-Founder of Fantasy Suites.


Rekindling Relationship Magic


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